EvilBob gives his thoughts on Gaming & Social Justice.
Of Writers and the Audience
(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of the SuperNerdLand.com staff and/or any contributors to this site.) It takes a special kind of writer to be able to actually reach out […]
The Truth About the Gamer Stereotype
A Guest post & Opinion Piece by @DreadMorgan on the truth about the “Gamer” stereotype.
Nerd News: Gawker’s Editor in Chief and Executive Editor Resigns
Max Read and Tom Craggs both resigned from Gawker Media today amid the breach of the firewall between editorial and management. John gives you some details
Magic the Gathering: Coverage of Magic Products is Fundamentally Flawed
John is here to detail why he feels some outlets should be watched with a wary eye when it comes to editorial coming from retailers of Magic the Gathering
Global Gamers, Global Developers: The Uniquely Ukrainian S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Series
Scrumpmonkey is here to highlight a great global game series, the Uniquily Ukrainian S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Don’t Just Stand there Gawking, Do Something! A Guide to Ending Gawker
The past week has been an event filled one for critics of Gawker Media. John is here to assess the damage and offer advice on proper consumer advocacy
Why Women Don’t Need Female Game Characters
Our newest contributor, Martyr, is here to talk about why she doesn’t need all video game characters to be female for them to be a role model for her
Gamergate: The (Im)perfect Storm?
Nick is here today to give his thoughts on where the consumer revolt spawned from Gamergate stands now, and his hopes for where it won’t tread.