SuperNerd Live Episode One — Chock Full O’ Weeb

Gaming News/Discussion

Japanese Arcades Are Invading the US Finally –

Round 1, a Japanese bowl­ing and ar­cade chain, is go­ing to be open­ing up sev­er­al new lo­ca­tions in the states soon. While the chain al­ready has ar­cades in California, Washington, Texas, Illinois, and Massachusetts, they are go­ing to be ex­pand­ing even fur­ther into Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York, and Georgia. Check out Round 1’s web­site for a list of all of their ar­cade games and their oth­er en­ter­tain­ment, like bowl­ing and karaoke.


Amazon Japan Now Offering International Shipping, Fuk Yea –

Want to im­port your games from glo­ri­ous Nippon eas­i­ly? Now you can! Amazon Japan is of­fer­ing in­ter­na­tion­al ship­ping on their video games and video game con­soles. While you can only im­port games and con­soles from Amazon di­rect­ly (not from ran­dom third par­ty sell­ers), it is still a plus. Most con­soles and games are re­gion free, but some things may be re­gion locked. Thanks, Nintendo.


New Diablo II Patch Released. No, Really. –

Diablo II is a clas­sic in the gam­ing world that con­tin­ues to live on, even 16 years af­ter its’ re­lease. A new patch was added to the game, adding sup­port for mod­ern op­er­at­ing sys­tems like Windows 7, 8.1,10 and OSX. Blizzard also said that this is only the first step in up­dat­ing the game for mod­ern sys­tems. “There is still a large Diablo II com­mu­ni­ty around the world and we thank you for con­tin­u­ing to play and slay with us. This jour­ney starts by mak­ing Diablo II run on mod­ern plat­forms, but it does not end there. See you in Sanctuary, ad­ven­tur­ers”. Get your Amazon and Necromancers ready.


Valkyria Chronicles Remastered Coming To NA and Europe on May 17th-

Sega has fi­nal­ly an­nounced the re­lease date for the new re­mas­tered ver­sion of Valkyria Chronicles! The game will re­lease for Playstation 4 on May 17th. Martyr can’t con­tain her excitement.


Fable Legends Cancelled, Lionhead Studio May Close –

Microsoft has an­nounced that Fable Legends has been can­celled, and also an­nounced that they are cur­rent­ly dis­cussing the clo­sure of Lionhead Studios on the UK. While many out­lets re­port­ed on this as say­ing the stu­dio is go­ing to be clos­ing, there has yet to be of­fi­cial word of a clo­sure, just that clo­sure is on the ta­ble. Lionhead has pro­duced a va­ri­ety of games, from the clas­sic Fable se­ries to even the sim­u­la­tion game The Movies (which Martyr was per­son­al­ly a fan of). Hopefully Lionhead will be around with us, for a bit longer, but keep your ears open and fin­gers crossed.

TV and Anime News/Discussion


Aku no Hana Is Getting a Stage Play – – 03-08/the-flowers-of-evil-manga-gets-stage-play-in-july/.99562

The man­ga turned ani­me has now been green­lit as a stage play. The play will run for 8 per­for­mances in July in Tokyo. For those who don’t know about Aku no Hana, the se­ries re­volves around Takao Kasuga, a book­worm who is caught steal­ing the gym clothes of his crush. Sawa Nakamura, the girl who caught him, forces him into a con­tract to be her friend, or else she will spill his se­cret of be­ing a per­vert. The se­ries is in­cred­i­bly dark. The man­ga was re­ceived well while the ro­to­scope an­i­ma­tion of the ani­me was heav­i­ly crit­i­cized. What the play will be like will be a sur­prise to many as lit­tle in­for­ma­tion has been re­leased on it.


Sailor Moon Crystal Gets a Third Season – – 03-06/sailor-moon-crystal-3rd-season-premiere-date-theme-songs-revealed/.99470

The re­boot of Sailor Moon, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal, will now have a third sea­son, as an­nounced on March 6th. The new open­ing theme was also pre­miered (“New Moon ni Aishite”, Fall In Love With The New Moon) and is sung by Etsuko Yakishimaru. Yakushimaru has per­formed themes for Space Dandy and Mawaru Penguindrum. The show will pre­miere on April 4th. Crunchyroll has simul­cast this se­ries and it can only be as­sumed they will simul­cast this sea­son as well.

Round Table Discussion

With grow­ing lo­cal­iza­tion is­sues com­ing up on the hori­zon in light of Fire Emblem Fates and Bravely Second, many are in a tizzy over what should, or shouldn’t, be done about the sit­u­a­tion, While some feel that the games have been poor­ly lo­cal­ized, oth­ers have con­test­ed that if con­sumers want to see the orig­i­nal Japanese sto­ry, they should im­port the game in­stead. This has lead to many ques­tions re­gard­ing lit­er­al trans­la­tions of games as well as cre­ative li­cense in trans­la­tion and lo­cal­iza­tion of games. We will be dis­cussing these is­sues as well as our opin­ions on the subject.


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Lover of video games, met­al, and hard cider. Amateur video game mu­sic com­pos­er and YouTuber at Video Culture Replay. Armed with a de­gree in psy­chol­o­gy, she thinks she knows it all (and some­times ac­tu­al­ly gets it right). Also skilled with the oboe and wran­gling chil­dren. Catch her on Twitch over at

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