SuperNerdLand’s Waifu of the Year 2015


As we were round­ing out the year here at SuperNerdLand, we fig­ured we might as well do some sort of com­mem­o­ra­tion in the se­lec­tion of a “… of the Year” piece. The thing is, items like “Game of the Year” are a bit played out. And let’s face it, the same hand­ful of ti­tles come up every damn time any­way. Pretty bor­ing stuff.

So we de­cid­ed to go a dif­fer­ent route. To go with a top­ic that is a bit more di­vi­sive, and near to the hearts of many staff and read­ers of our site. That is why we in­tro­duce SuperNerdLand’s Waifu of the Year 2015!

Being the first of its kind on the site we de­cid­ed to be a bit more lax in the nom­i­na­tion pool, al­low­ing con­trib­u­tors to nom­i­nate wai­fus from pre­vi­ous years as well.

The method­ol­o­gy was as follows:

Contributors nom­i­nat­ed three wai­fus each for con­sid­er­a­tion among site staff. Once nom­i­na­tions were drawn up, staff vot­ed Yes, No, or Maybe to everyone’s nom­i­na­tion. Once staff put in their say on everyone’s wai­fus, the ed­i­to­r­i­al board draft­ed five choic­es for a fi­nal round of vot­ing. The wai­fu with the most votes at this stage is win­ner of Waifu of the Year! Everyone’s first round wai­fu nom­i­na­tions will be list­ed at the bot­tom of this article.

(Disclaimer: Under threats of duress and ter­mi­na­tion from con­trib­u­tor Cate, we al­lowed 3D waifus)

With our fur­ther de­lay, let’s get to our run­ners up and the win­ner of SuperNerdLand’s Waifu of the Year!


2nd Place – Lara Croft


Coming it at a strong sec­ond place in all rounds of vot­ing, Reboot Lara Croft near­ly beat our lead wai­fu this year in vot­ing. Being a wai­fu that is smart, kicks ass, while also be­ing able kill and cook you din­ner has made her a def­i­nite fa­vorite among SuperNerdLand con­trib­u­tors. She may have lost to our win­ner, but she didn’t do it with­out a fight.

3rd Place – Vash the Stampede


Next down on the list at third place is an un­like­ly choice that grabbed the hearts of staff. Vash the Stampede may not be an ac­tu­al “wai­fu,” but af­ter many con­trib­u­tors were heard to break down in tears cry­ing out “Love and-ah Peaaaaaace” at his men­tion, Vash trend­ed well dur­ing all stages of voting.

Tied up for last place were two ed­i­tor choic­es, but places for dif­fer­ent reasons.

4th Place Tie – Elphelt


Elphelt was added due to the sheer amount of Guilty Gear Xrd ‑Sign- char­ac­ters nom­i­nat­ed in the first place. Being a lit­er­al wai­fu, her choice to rep­re­sent the Guilty Gear group­ing made per­fect sense. Sadly, the pop­u­lar­i­ty of Guilty Gear char­ac­ters in the first round of nom­i­na­tions was not strong enough to car­ry her through to earn­ing top marks in the fi­nal round of vot­ing. Earning just one vote along with our next men­tion, Elphelt has earned fourth place, but in a cut throat competition

4th Place Tie – Angel Haze


Sharing fourth place in our fi­nal round of vot­ing with one vote is rap­per Angel Haze. Angel Haze made it to the fi­nal round of vot­ing af­ter the afore­men­tioned Cate broke into SuperNerdLand of­fices and threat­ened to lit­er­al­ly “shit on our shit wai­fus.” Despite the pas­sion­ate push for her in­clu­sion, Angel just didn’t win over the hearts of our staff.


SuperNerdLand Waifu of the Year – Linkle


We now come to the win­ner of SuperNerdLand’s Waifu of the Year 2015! Pulling in twice as many votes as our sec­ond place choice, Linkle was the clear choice this year for many contributors.

Considering the world at large only learned of her ex­is­tence in November of 2015 af­ter a Nintendo Direct stream, the pas­sion that our staff and read­ers have shown Linkle is amaz­ing. Linkle is com­ing to the game Hyrule Warrior Legends, fea­tur­ing an icon­ic look and dual cross­bows. You’ll be able to be unit­ed with the people’s wai­fu lat­er this year when Hyrule Legends is re­leased March 26, 2016.

We want to con­grat­u­late Linkle on her win, and thank you for com­ing to check out SuperNerdLand’s Waifu of the Year!

Are our wai­fus a shit? What were your wai­fus of the year? Tell us in the com­ments below!

Staff Nominations:

Michael Campbell

  1. Horo – Spice & Wolf (Even though it was re­leased like 80 years ago)
  2. Reboot Lara Croft
  3. Taokaka – BlazBlue Series

Killer Tofu

  1. OG Chan (Ruled out due to con­flict of in­ter­est) – Super Nerd Land
  2. Elphelt – Guilty Gear Xrd ‑Sign-
  3. Juri – Ultra Steet Fighter IV

John Sweeney

  1. Linkle – Hyrule Warriors Legends
  2. Neptuna
  3. Platinum the Trinity – BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend (STFU she’s like 1000 years old and part boy.)

Toal Fact

  1. Frieda – Ys series
  2. Ryobi – Senran Kagura
  3. Beatrix Brehme – Muv-Luv Schwarzesmarken

Josh Bray

  1. Amanda – D4
  2. I‑No – Guilty Gear Xrd ‑Sign-
  3. Ciri – Witcher 3

Optimus Deadpool (Guest Appearance)

  1. Chun Li – Street Fighter V (mmm al­ter­nate costume)
  2. Quiet – Metal Gear Solid 5
  3. Potempkin aka: Thunder Chunky – Guilty Gear Xrd ‑Sign-

Indigo Altaria

  1. Linkle – Hyrule Warriors Legends
  2. Millia Rage – Gear Gear Xrd ‑Sign-
  3. Elma – Xenoblade X

Darrell Hinkle

  1. Kelly Maxwell
  2. Ruby Knowby
  3. Amanda Fisher – (All of these women are from Ash vs Evil Dead, lol.)


  1. Mami Tomoe – Puella Magi Madoka Magica
  2. Umaru – Himouto Umaru
  3. Vash the Stampede ‑Trigun


  1. Angel Haze – Musician
  2. Lara Croft – Reboot Tomb Raider
  3. Fran – Final Fantasy XII


  1. Linkle – Hyrule Warriors
  2. Muffet
  3. May – Guilty Gear Xrd ‑Sign-
The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.
Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a fo­cus on A/V pro­duc­tion. Amateur pho­tog­ra­ph­er with a pas­sion to make things work… by any means nec­es­sary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

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