Executive Action Is Needed For Virtual Gun Control

Nick addresses the problems of unchecked virtual weapons sales online, and the need for virtual Gun Control

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Currently President Obama is try­ing to en­act new gun con­trol mea­sures in the United States. However there is a big­ger prob­lem that far eclipses the is­sue of mass shoot­ings. That prob­lem is the vir­tu­al gun vi­o­lence that hap­pens in people’s homes every sin­gle day.

Millions of men and women across the world are be­ing trained to be first per­son shoot­ers, and in some cas­es as elite third per­son shoot­ers. Virtual shoot­ings have reached epi­dem­ic lev­els where we are see­ing mil­lions of deaths oc­cur every day. In some cas­es these mur­der­ers have slain dozens of peo­ple in a sin­gle ses­sion and bragged about it. All man­ner of vir­tu­al weapon­ry is be­ing used to com­mit vir­tu­al crimes. Sickeningly, the pre­ferred lo­ca­tion that shoot­ers like to ex­e­cute their vic­tims is ei­ther the head or groin.

No longer should moth­ers have to wit­ness their sons be­ing killed, then res­ur­rect­ed, only to be killed again. The emo­tion­al toll that vir­tu­al gun vi­o­lence can have on a fam­i­ly is real and har­row­ing. From their en­coun­ters with vir­tu­al gun vi­o­lence, liv­ing vic­tims have re­spond­ed they have felt emo­tions rang­ing from joy, ex­cite­ment, fun, anger, and ex­treme lev­els of salt.

Weapons can be eas­i­ly bought and trad­ed in open mar­kets. There are zero back­ground checks, psy­cho­log­i­cal eval­u­a­tions, or any form of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion re­quired for a geno­ci­dal ma­ni­ac to pur­chase a weapon and start maim­ing in­no­cents. As part of my in­ves­ti­ga­tion I snuck into one of these de­vi­ous black mar­kets and snapped ev­i­dence of their sor­did business.

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These types of un­reg­u­lat­ed weapons sales hap­pen on places like Steam every day

Money isn’t even a bar­ri­er for a killer with prices like these. In fact kids can get their hands on a col­lec­tion of vir­tu­al guns for ab­solute­ly noth­ing. The only costs in­volved are pay­ing for more guns (or fun­ny hats).

So what should be done? It’s ob­vi­ous the President needs to step in and use his su­per ex­ec­u­tive pow­ers to en­act real vir­tu­al change. He may not even need to by­pass Congress who could be com­plete­ly sup­port­ive for a change. He must stop the avail­abil­i­ty of these mur­der sim­u­la­tors and in­stead force these peo­ple to buy more worth­while, artis­tic, in­de­pen­dant games. Instead of play­ing some­thing where con­flicts are re­solved by vi­o­lence, these play­ers can ex­pe­ri­ence a game where con­flicts aren’t re­solved at all and in­stead you are ful­ly loaded with pleas­ant in­tro­spec­tion. We only have one dig­i­tal world (or count­less) and it needs saving.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.
If I did­n’t have a fam­i­ly to feed I’d spend all my mon­ey on video games and ani­me fig­ures. Satirist.

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