Another E3 has come and gone, and with it comes the things we are actually excited for beyond the noise typical of the event. This year was a tad off pattern, though. John goes into it more in his editorial on the subject, but this year half of what would have been typical E3 fodder was leaked before hand, or just plain shown at a conference before the show itself started. This year’s event was also marked by an increased presence of non-media exhibitors, which is something our Killer Tofu should be pleased by as he mentioned this very thing last year as a way to improve E3 for the consumer.
E3 is certainly not going away, but I do have to agree with John when he says that the role of E3 is changing. And not entirely in bad ways. Conferences were tighter and more to the point for the most part, and everyone is thankful for that. Though when watching the Gaming Illuminaughty’s podcast on the show, I noticed they brought up a great point — among many others in the discussion. It’s that allowing more consumers in is fine, but perhaps there should be a media only day so those in the games press that DO work can do their job without suffering Disneyworld style lines to demo games. I’m all for this.
So what games that were shown at E3 are we actually excited for this year? As a note: when I asked our contributors this, I allowed games that were already known of before E3. If we could only choose games that were only announced at this year’s E3 our lists would be very short and similar.
The two standouts happen to be We Happy Few, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild. I’m personally waiting to see more of Breath of the Wild, but I can absolutely see why our contributors are really excited for it. When it comes to We Happy Few… lord, what can I say? If what you’ve seen so far doesn’t interest you in this title, then the game is just not for you. Nothing I can say will change that.
Another one a lot of us are excited for, though just didn’t make the top three of many folks mentions was Tekken 7. The fact that it’s coming to PC is hype. Tekken 7 is going to be a hit so long as they don’t mess up the PC port. Long live Harada.
Another title a lot of us RPG marks are looking forward to is I am Setsuna. A game literally made by all-stars of the RPG genre, I am Setsuna is right up our alleys. I just personally hope that the hype behind the devs can translate to a great modern game. Right now, I think games like Mighty No. 9 has left a bad taste in peoples mouths when it comes to developer star power behind a throwback of a game. Please Tokyo RPG Factory, make this much better than nothing.
There is also a lot of excitement about Kojima’s new title Death Stranding (also known as Norman Reedus and the Amazing Fetus), but personally I need to see more before I make any definitive statements on the game. I am sure Kojima is going to come out with a great title here, but the teaser trailer was just that — a teaser.
Overall there was a lot of fun stuff on display at this year’s E3, with a lot that was shown being released this year. It’s certainly not going to be a boring next couple of years for gaming.
For some more detailed talk about E3 2016, listen to our episode of SuperNerd LIVE on the event and conferences:
Here are the top three selections from our contributors, posted verbatim.
Fallout Shelter PC
Warhammer 40k Inquisitor
We Happy Few
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
God of War 4
Death Stranding
Attack on Titan (EEEEEE)
Final Fantasy 12: Zodiac age
Tekken 7
Killer Tofu:
We Happy Few
Kojima’s thing that I can’t remember the name of
LoZ: Breath of the Wild.
We Happy Few
For Honor
LoZ: Breath of the Wild
Agents of Mayhem
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Civilization VI
Josh Bray:
We Happy Few
I am Setsuna
Forza Horizon 3
We Happy Few
Gravity Rush 2
Horizon: Zero Dawn
God of War 4
Insomniac Spiderman
Norman Reedus’ ass
There is only Tekken 7

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