Site News — 7/3


Hello guys and gals! Little bit of a hol­i­day up­date for you this week­end. As every­one is off en­joy­ing cook­outs and fire­works, we are putting the fin­ish­ing touch­es on some­thing that we’ve talked about a lit­tle, but would like to an­nounce all formal-like!

But first a lit­tle bit of up­dates on the more per­son­al side. You may have no­ticed June was a tad more qui­et for us, not count­ing the amaz­ing folks at the Back Issues pod­cast putting out week­ly, and Mike with his ridicu­lous but hi­lar­i­ous OG-Chan. We’ve had con­trib­u­tors like my­self and Darrell mov­ing and work­ing more, folks tak­ing care of fam­i­ly and health is­sues, and just var­i­ous life stuff. We are all get­ting back in gear for sum­mer though, and part of it is the bit of change we are mak­ing to how we re­lease some of our content.

So what are we up to? Well, we are mov­ing some of our con­tent to a month­ly mag­a­zine style for­mat! There are quite a few rea­sons for this that I will touch on here, but go into more de­tail in our Letter from the Editor in our first issue.

We put on this show on a vol­un­teer ba­sis, so that also means work­ing out con­tent around work sched­ules, life stuff, health is­sues, etc. Being able to plan around a month­ly re­lease for­mat al­lows us to plot out qual­i­ty con­tent, and get more peo­ple on board. It also in­tro­duces dead­lines for peo­ple. Let’s face it, some peo­ple work bet­ter with hard dead­lines (my­self included).

We have also have ed­i­tors who were kind of just sit­ting on their thumbs when it came to work to edit due to how quick­ly I would just churn out folks ar­ti­cles when they came to me. Instead of both­er­ing any­one, I would nor­mal­ly just edit some­thing up in the morn­ing and re­lease it that day. Now we can ac­tu­al­ly work in the cou­ple of ed­i­tors we have that are ex­cit­ed to work on things.

And as we start to­get our bill pay­ing side of this op­er­a­tion up (an­oth­er thing for an­oth­er time) with our web ser­vices busi­ness that will fund SuperNerdLand, we can ac­tu­al­ly start bud­get­ing very well for month­ly is­sues when we build the bud­get for pay­ing con­trib­u­tors, com­mis­sion­ing art for cov­ers, etc.

And pure­ly from a geeky stand­point, I just plain en­joy push­ing a throw­back to en­thu­si­ast pe­ri­od­i­cals. When I’ve de­scribed SuperNerdLand to some peo­ple, I likened it to a fanzine of times past. We’re not the glossy, ma­chine bound, ad-filled mass mar­ket pub­li­ca­tions. We are the fanzine lov­ing­ly Xeroxed and sta­pled to­geth­er to send out to au­di­ence that ap­pre­ci­ates a no-BS, man on the ground, ap­proach to look­ing at an in­dus­try we all love.

Moving to a “web mag­a­zine” style for­mat for some of our con­tent is per­fect for our cur­rent state.

It’s not to say all of our con­tent will be slid­ing into a month­ly for­mat. We will still have more time­ly ar­ti­cles com­ing out when the top­ic is more hot — that just makes sense. We will also keep on with the twice week­ly re­leas­es of OG-Chan, and week­ly re­leas­es of the Back Issues pod­cast. Otherwise, we are go­ing to be pour­ing our nor­mal amount of ex­ces­sive love into the month­ly releases!

I want to leave you as I nor­mal­ly do, with my heart felt thanks for join­ing us crazy peo­ple as we push our lit­tle ex­per­i­ment in qual­i­ty con­tent. I do feel com­pelled to apol­o­gize for the more qui­et month of con­tent, but I have to say… we are only get­ting started.

Now have a pre­view of the “cov­er” for our first is­sue craft­ed by our own John Sweeney!

Finsihed Poster 90s mode 2


The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.
Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a fo­cus on A/V pro­duc­tion. Amateur pho­tog­ra­ph­er with a pas­sion to make things work… by any means nec­es­sary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

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