Site News 9/6: Community Features LIVE and Some Little Bits

Your Editor-in-Chief and Webadmin, Josh Bray, is here today with site update news detailing the new community features available on SuperNerdLand!


Hey Nerdites! Back again with a be­lat­ed site up­date! It’s been at least 2 months since my last ad­dress to the lov­ing mass­es. My apolo­gies for that, but life gets busy at times and I trucked on keep­ing the site up with fea­tures and con­tent in the mean time.

And fea­tures is what I’m here to talk to you about to­day! Oh, love­ly fea­tures. In the past two site up­dates I had men­tioned com­mu­ni­ty fea­tures. Forums, pro­files, user blogs, etc. Well I didn’t for­get about them! In fact, they have been most­ly done for the past month. Just a com­bi­na­tion of be­ing busy with oth­er as­pects of the site — plus life — got in the way of these fea­tures be­com­ing “live” for the gen­er­al public.

But no more! And what bet­ter tim­ing than a year af­ter the con­sumer re­volt that shook up gam­ing and games me­dia. This week­end ac­tu­al­ly marks my own one year mark since sup­port­ing re­volt born from #GamerGate, and open­ing up new av­enues of dis­cus­sion on a site that was born from the frus­tra­tion folks have with gen­er­al games me­dia and news at large seems like all too fit­ting a tribute.

So here we are! With com­mu­ni­ty fea­tures for you to use, for us to use to com­mu­ni­cate bet­ter with our read­ers, and to just gen­er­al­ly bring you more in­ter­est­ing stuff for your vis­it to SuperNerdLand.

So what do we have here? I’ll have a video tour be­low to give con­text to what all you folks have ac­cess too. But here is the short­ened ver­sion of the fea­ture additions.

We have:

  • Discussion fo­rums (for site talk and in gen­er­al top­ic ar­eas like Music, Movies, Gaming, etc)
  • User Profiles (so you can keep track of your ac­tiv­i­ty, send pri­vate mes­sages, post me­dia, etc)

In the pro­file ar­eas you have:

  • Information area (You can tell us your name if you choose, a bit about you, and add in your gam­ing pro­file names for Steam, Xbox Live, PSN or WiiU to con­nect with users to game)
  • User Blogs (got some­thing you’d like to say, and want the pos­si­bil­i­ty of it be­ing fea­tured on the main site? Then the user blogs are for you!)
  • Facebook-like Wall func­tion­al­i­ty (you can keep track of your ac­tiv­i­ty on the site, have peo­ple re­spond to it, fa­vorite sta­tus­es, and post on oth­er mem­bers walls)

And this is all im­ple­ment­ed in a way that in­te­grates users with the site. Oh, and we of­fer easy site reg­is­tra­tion via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Steam, and Disqus! Or you can reg­is­ter the ole fash­ion way with a form. Which ever works best for you!

Quite a love­ly so­lu­tion, ac­tu­al­ly. Now I can’t go and claim I cod­ed up a cus­tom thing here (I’m not THAT good). For those cu­ri­ous, since we are us­ing WordPress as our plat­form, we fig­ured that the best so­lu­tion would be one that worked with WordPress and of­fered the eas­i­est way to get to us­ing the site for our users, as well as of­fer­ing easy mod­er­a­tion tools for our mods. Not to men­tion some­thing that will be easy to main­tain and ex­port from in the fu­ture, as well as easy in­ter­gra­tion. As such, our fo­rums and user ar­eas are pow­ered by BBPress and BuddyPress, with some ex­tra plu­g­ins and PHP pok­ing to get it all in or­der for you all.

We also have Tapatalk sup­port for mo­bile de­vices! You can ei­ther go to the our fo­rums on mo­bile and sub­scribe, or search up “SuperNerdLand” in the Tapatalk app to get to our forums!

Without fur­ther ado, let’s get into show­ing it to you! Instead of some bor­ing screen­shots just plopped in here, have a video tour show­ing the fea­tures and how to get in of it all and join in the fun!

Other small bits of site news in­volve small ad­di­tions like the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service added to cov­er use of fo­rums and oth­er site fea­tures, menu struc­ture up­dat­ed for com­mu­ni­ty fea­tures plus lo­gin via side­bar, and oth­er mis­cel­la­neous bits like the Content Partnership de­tails (TL;DR of that is we agreed to have our con­tent ag­gre­gat­ed by a cou­ple months ago).

I want to thank all of you for help­ing SuperNerdLand grow and be­come bet­ter over these past few months. We are grow­ing in great ways, and we wouldn’t be any­where with­out every­one of you. We are ded­i­cat­ed to bring­ing you the best con­tent that we can, and be­cause we are ad-free we can fo­cus on qual­i­ty not clicks. Five views are just as im­por­tant to us as 5,000, be­cause each of you is an im­por­tant part of SuperNerdLand.

Until next post, re­mem­ber to stay awe­some to each oth­er out there!


The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.
Josh has worked in IT for over 15 years. Graduated Broadcasting school in 2012 with a fo­cus on A/V pro­duc­tion. Amateur pho­tog­ra­ph­er with a pas­sion to make things work… by any means nec­es­sary. Editor-in-Chief and do-er of tech things at SuperNerdLand

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