Hey Nerdites! Back again with a belated site update! It’s been at least 2 months since my last address to the loving masses. My apologies for that, but life gets busy at times and I trucked on keeping the site up with features and content in the mean time.
And features is what I’m here to talk to you about today! Oh, lovely features. In the past two site updates I had mentioned community features. Forums, profiles, user blogs, etc. Well I didn’t forget about them! In fact, they have been mostly done for the past month. Just a combination of being busy with other aspects of the site — plus life — got in the way of these features becoming “live” for the general public.
But no more! And what better timing than a year after the consumer revolt that shook up gaming and games media. This weekend actually marks my own one year mark since supporting revolt born from #GamerGate, and opening up new avenues of discussion on a site that was born from the frustration folks have with general games media and news at large seems like all too fitting a tribute.
So here we are! With community features for you to use, for us to use to communicate better with our readers, and to just generally bring you more interesting stuff for your visit to SuperNerdLand.
So what do we have here? I’ll have a video tour below to give context to what all you folks have access too. But here is the shortened version of the feature additions.
We have:
- Discussion forums (for site talk and in general topic areas like Music, Movies, Gaming, etc)
- User Profiles (so you can keep track of your activity, send private messages, post media, etc)
In the profile areas you have:
- Information area (You can tell us your name if you choose, a bit about you, and add in your gaming profile names for Steam, Xbox Live, PSN or WiiU to connect with users to game)
- User Blogs (got something you’d like to say, and want the possibility of it being featured on the main site? Then the user blogs are for you!)
- Facebook-like Wall functionality (you can keep track of your activity on the site, have people respond to it, favorite statuses, and post on other members walls)
And this is all implemented in a way that integrates users with the site. Oh, and we offer easy site registration via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Steam, and Disqus! Or you can register the ole fashion way with a form. Which ever works best for you!
Quite a lovely solution, actually. Now I can’t go and claim I coded up a custom thing here (I’m not THAT good). For those curious, since we are using WordPress as our platform, we figured that the best solution would be one that worked with WordPress and offered the easiest way to get to using the site for our users, as well as offering easy moderation tools for our mods. Not to mention something that will be easy to maintain and export from in the future, as well as easy intergration. As such, our forums and user areas are powered by BBPress and BuddyPress, with some extra plugins and PHP poking to get it all in order for you all.
We also have Tapatalk support for mobile devices! You can either go to the our forums on mobile and subscribe, or search up “SuperNerdLand” in the Tapatalk app to get to our forums!
Without further ado, let’s get into showing it to you! Instead of some boring screenshots just plopped in here, have a video tour showing the features and how to get in of it all and join in the fun!
Other small bits of site news involve small additions like the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service added to cover use of forums and other site features, menu structure updated for community features plus login via sidebar, and other miscellaneous bits like the Powergamer.co Content Partnership details (TL;DR of that is we agreed to have our content aggregated by Powergamer.co a couple months ago).
I want to thank all of you for helping SuperNerdLand grow and become better over these past few months. We are growing in great ways, and we wouldn’t be anywhere without everyone of you. We are dedicated to bringing you the best content that we can, and because we are ad-free we can focus on quality not clicks. Five views are just as important to us as 5,000, because each of you is an important part of SuperNerdLand.
Until next post, remember to stay awesome to each other out there!

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