In the latest installment of Translating Tumblr, Cate delves into the disturbing world of Pro-Ana (Pro Anorexia)
Netflix & Cry: Books Vs. Video Games Part Two

Cate goes more into the books vs. video games debate in the next in the Netflix & Cry series
Translating Tumblr: The Serial Killer/Mass Murder Fandom
Ok reader, let’s get up. Our rest from last time is over, and it’s time to go. We’re going lose them. Down this hallway. I can still hear them hollerin’. Walk as quietly as you can. These next people are uh… special […]
Translating Tumblr: The SuperWhoLock Fandom
Are you ready? I’m sorry you had to see that earlier. I wish I could have shown you something less awful to start off, but that’s just where those people hang out. This next part is more cringey than actually […]
Netflix & Cry: Books Vs. Video Games
Cate offers thoughts and reminisces on things that make her just want to go watching some Netflix & Cry.
Social Justice Takes To Heavy Metal
Chris King directs his ire at yet another attempt to lampoon the Metal scene as being problematic, when it’s been damn inclusive all along.
Social Justice sells… But Who’s Buying? Not Metalheads.

Chris is here to refute the notion that the Metal scene has “deep seated conservative” issues deal with and re-iterate that Metal music is for everybody
This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: Ye Olde Trolling

An account of online trolling in the 1800s