This year’s E3 more than ever had most of the biggest announcements revealed before the events themselves. Going into the show we knew that both console manufacturers were planning upgraded iterations of their console, both of which seemed focused on […]
The Current Virtual Reality Push is Half-Baked
Virtual Reality is touted to be the next big new thing. Except it really isn’t, but that is for a different article. This time it’s different! Right? We have more processing power attached to the headsets folks are now strapping […]
Ghostbusters and Guilt-vertising: Or How The “Right” Product Can Make You A Better Person
(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of the staff and/or any contributors to this site.) Over nine different articles plus various tweets from “celebrity” personalities. This is what dropped […]
In Defense of Hard Games
There has been a growing debate the past few years regarding the high difficulty of certain games, and how they represent a barrier of entry to newcomers (read new consumers) to a product. Granted, this argument is not necessarily new, but […]
Why “Gamers and Video Games Need to Grow up” Is Wrong
John gives his views on why gaming and video games are grown up already, and those calling for more “maturity” are actually the immature ones
Console Fanboys: What Makes ’em Tick? A Layperson’s Analysis
Darrell gives his thoughts and view on console fanboys, and what makes them tick.
SuperNerdLand Reacts to Fullscreen/Fine Bros Fuckary
Fine Bros and Fullscreen are starting to exert control over the “React” format of videos. And that is just some bullshit.
Shouting into the Void: Fears of a Writer
Writing is a strange compulsion to have; especially when you didn’t expect to be a writer or have an audience in the first place.
Shouting into the Void: Hang the Moderators
Online moderators suck. We’ve all experienced arbitrary deletions, woefully uneven enforcement of polices, and mods who are just plain raging cunts. But why?