Pack-in Game of the Month: Knytt

Knytt is a free in­de­pen­dent­ly de­vel­oped plat­former de­vel­oped by Nifflas’ Games (Swedish in­die de­vel­op­er Nicklas Nygren). You play a lit­tle monkey-man ab­duct­ed by aliens who must re­pair the crashed ship to get home. You’ll spend maybe an hour or two […]

E3 2016 Staff Picks

Another E3 has come and gone, and with it comes the things we are ac­tu­al­ly ex­cit­ed for be­yond the noise typ­i­cal of the event. This year was a tad off pat­tern, though. John goes into it more in his editorial […]

E3 2016: The Shifting Role of E3

This year’s E3 more than ever had most of the biggest an­nounce­ments re­vealed be­fore the events them­selves.  Going into the show we knew that both con­sole man­u­fac­tur­ers were plan­ning up­grad­ed it­er­a­tions of their con­sole, both of which seemed fo­cused on […]