With the overall gaming market getting larger every year, we’ve seen a similar rise in the prominence of eSports. A near $100 billion dollar industry is spawning $20 million dollar DOTA 2 tournaments, and coverage of Street Fighter V hit […]
Fire Emblem Fates Poor Localization Points To Growing Issues
Josh goes into the poor localization of Fire Emblem Fates and how it reflects the growing divide between schools of thought on bringing content overseas
Market Censorship, Old and New
Josh Bray and Toal Fact go into recent, and not so recent, attempts at market censorship and discuss their effect as well as what you can do.
#PerformanceMatters & The SAG-AFTRA Strike: The Beef With Their Demands
Toal Fact gives his view on the SAG-AFTRA strike possibility and gives his beef with the demands presented by the Union.
GamerGate and SPJ Airplay: Questions and Thoughts on Where We Go
Josh is here with his thoughts on what Airplay gained for GamerGate and where the consumer revolt goes from here
The Truth About the Gamer Stereotype
A Guest post & Opinion Piece by @DreadMorgan on the truth about the “Gamer” stereotype.
Reddit As It Stands Now
We detail our findings while researching the history of operations, both corporate and site-wise, of the social sharing site Reddit.
A Citizen’s Primer To Censorship
A brief primer on issues of censorship and how it can effect governments, organizations and individuals.
Welcome to Reddit — The Site Where The Mods Hate You and the Votes Don’t Matter
Reddit moderators have been naughty, and recently released chat logs highlight their shenanigans and censorship