There has been a growing debate the past few years regarding the high difficulty of certain games, and how they represent a barrier of entry to newcomers (read new consumers) to a product. Granted, this argument is not necessarily new, but […]
Console Fanboys: What Makes ’em Tick? A Layperson’s Analysis
Darrell gives his thoughts and view on console fanboys, and what makes them tick.
SuperNerdLand Reacts to Fullscreen/Fine Bros Fuckary
Fine Bros and Fullscreen are starting to exert control over the “React” format of videos. And that is just some bullshit.
On #GamerGate & Social Justice
EvilBob gives his thoughts on Gaming & Social Justice.
Of Writers and the Audience
(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of the staff and/or any contributors to this site.) It takes a special kind of writer to be able to actually reach out […]
Gamergate: The (Im)perfect Storm?
Nick is here today to give his thoughts on where the consumer revolt spawned from Gamergate stands now, and his hopes for where it won’t tread.
Bit Wars vs. Resolution Wars
Today Rotten Rye takes us down nostlagia road with the Bit Wars of old, and how they relate to the resolution wars of our current generation of consoles
Confessions of a Shitposter: This is (not) the Epilogue
Part three of a multi-part introspection/journey by Tom O’ Bedlam. Part One and Two can be found here. I’ve shown you my Heavens, and I’ve shown you my Hells. Both are flawed, imperfect, and incredibly fragile. Sadly, life is often not so […]
Konami, Kojima, and the Future
Kojima Productions has been shut down, and Hideo Kojima is off the executive board of Konami. How bad could it be? Here is our best case scenario