SuperNerdLand Plays — We Happy Few Join Josh as he delves into a pre-release stream for We Happy Few from 8/9! How’s the start of the game shaping up? Just how many bugs were there? Find out above! Key Provided by Publisher for […]
SuperNerdLand Plays — We Happy Few Join Josh as he delves into a pre-release stream for We Happy Few from 8/9! How’s the start of the game shaping up? Just how many bugs were there? Find out above! Key Provided by Publisher for […]
Cate is here with a review of the casual game Herding Dog from Xixgames and Black Shell Media
Kate is here, sanity in tatters, with part two of her MajorMinor review.
“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil.” Psalm 23. Major\Minor recently came out on Steam for $9.99, and against my better judgment I bought it during a sale. The game is made […]
Josh presents a Quickie Review of the newly released Dragon’s Wake on Steam
A review of Hatred, the infamous title as publicly and freely marketed by a wide range of places that said they didn’t want it around.
Nick Soapdish is here to give us an answer to the dreaded 1% of steam who own a majority of games. That answer is Steam Socialism.
Josh is here with an early build impressions of the super fun Magbot from Gordon Little of Gord Games!
Mike is here today to offer a review of the recently released and super atmospheric Rogue-like RPG RymdResa!