Chris got introduced to the Worlds first “Nedal” band, Okilly Dokilly — the all Ned Flanders band. Here are his thoughts and some sweeitly deedly tunerinos
Chris got introduced to the Worlds first “Nedal” band, Okilly Dokilly — the all Ned Flanders band. Here are his thoughts and some sweeitly deedly tunerinos
Chris is spreading the good word, and that word is the officially announced Motörhead expansion pack for the PC Action RPG Victor Vran
Chris King directs his ire at yet another attempt to lampoon the Metal scene as being problematic, when it’s been damn inclusive all along.
Chris is here to refute the notion that the Metal scene has “deep seated conservative” issues deal with and re-iterate that Metal music is for everybody
Chris King interviews the most excellent Canadian Metal band, Killborn
Chris King is with us today to bestow some insights on why bands fail and some great things to keep in mind when joining or forming a band.
Chris King is with us today to detail the amazingly well crafted Chrono Symphonic OCReMix 2 disc set that does great honor to Chrono Trigger.
Chris is with us today to review the OC ReMix set Final Fantasy VII: Voices of the Lifestream to commemorate the announcement of the Final Fantasy 7 remake!
Christopher is here today to give you his take on the 5 disc set Final Fantasy Balance and Ruin from OC ReMix. Today he wraps up by looking at disc 4 and 5