Motörhead’s Coming to Victor Vran

Chris is spreading the good word, and that word is the officially announced Motörhead expansion pack for the PC Action RPG Victor Vran


It’s not too of­ten that both my love for Metal and my love for video games col­lide. Hell, I count on it; I hope and dream for it. When Brutal Legends came around, I got to live that dream.

It looks like I’ll be liv­ing that dream again in the near future.

Haemimont Games, who de­vel­oped the Action RPG Victor Vran, are set to re­lease an of­fi­cial ex­pan­sion for the game ti­tled Motörhead Through the Ages which could co­in­cide with the re­lease of their new al­bum Bad Magic on August 28th. Here’s the skinny.

Traverse war-torn land­scapes and cities, Wild-West-inspired land­scapes and the Dark Ages Castle where the Queen of the Damned re­sides, all heav­i­ly in­spired by and based on Motörhead‘s his­to­ry, lyrics and gen­er­al at­ti­tude,” the an­nounce­ment says.

Motörhead de­fines the themes of the game as Victor faces evils rel­e­vant to our own world — re­li­gious fa­nat­ics, cor­rupt politi­cians and power-hungry op­pres­sive rulers. During these quests he will be sup­port­ed not only by the new­ly de­signed Motör-Weapons, pow­ers and skills, but also a sound­track with over a dozen tracks.”

So es­sen­tial­ly, you’ll be fight­ing re­li­gious au­thor­i­tar­i­ans, de­cep­tive au­thor­i­tar­i­ans and just reg­u­lar old au­thor­i­tar­i­ans; all to the tune of Heavy Metal’s finest in a fan­ta­sy setting.

That my friends, sounds like overkill in the best ways pos­si­ble, but that’s not enough for you, is it? You want more, don’t you? Here’s some con­cept art Haemimont Games re­leased for your vi­su­al­ly or­gas­mic pleasure.

There’s no re­lease date on this ex­pan­sion yet, but what you can do is go down­load Victor Vran on Steam, and get well ac­quaint­ed with the me­chan­ics be­fore this moth­er ships.

Lemmy and the road crew are cur­rent­ly with Anthrax and Saxon, and they start tour­ing again for their an­nu­al Motorboat deal on September 28th and October 2nd with Anthrax, Slayer and Suicidal Tendencies. So I think it’s safe to say that, if they haven’t al­ready jumped into stu­dio to do the sound­track to this epic, then the re­lease is far from now.

In the mean­time? Here’s a re­fresh­er course on awe­some. Krank that shit up to 11 and piss off the neigh­bors, kids. School’s in session.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.
I yell at stu­pid peo­ple on the YouTube. Enjoy my pain, be­cause some­body has to.

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