My Contribution to Diversity In Video Games

Nick Soapdish is here to off his contribution to problematic issues presented by the #gamessowhite hashtag.

(This ar­ti­cle is by Nick Soapdish, post­ed with per­mis­sion. You can find Nick on Twitter and his web­site.)

Recently, Polygon pub­lished an ar­ti­cle about the “race prob­lem” in gam­ing, cit­ing Polish de­vel­oped game The Witcher 3 as a prime ex­am­ple of racism. A hash­tag was also cre­at­ed, #GamesSoWhite, that was meant to high­light the prob­lem of so many white peo­ple in games. Unfortunately, #GamerGaters co-opted it to show that there is di­ver­si­ty but that’s be­side the point! Polygon is right, all games should have coloured pro­tag­o­nists re­gard­less of the de­vel­op­ers wish­es, the sto­ry or the game’s set­ting. Why should they? Because!

So I present my con­tri­bu­tion to mak­ing gam­ing more di­verse. I in­tro­duce to you, the New Super Mario Bros!


Although Luigi is a POC, they are still tech­ni­cal­ly broth­ers. Luigi is now just a broth­er from an­oth­er moth­er. See! Doesn’t this just im­prove the game by about 500%? It can even help ex­plain why Luigi jumps high­er. Having a to­ken char­ac­ter for no oth­er rea­son be­sides some ar­bi­trary re­quire­ment just makes so much dif­fer­ence. I’d list all the ben­e­fits but… there’s just so many I’m strug­gling to come up with one.

Come to think of it, I don’t know why all those Japanese peo­ple were hap­py play­ing as just white men in Mario games for all those decades. Must be inner-racism I assume.

As al­ways re­mem­ber the les­son, if you want some­one to do some­thing then try to shame them re­peat­ed­ly so they’ll do what you want. Forget their art or their cul­ture, you have an agen­da to push. This po­lit­i­cal­ly cor­rect utopia isn’t go­ing to make itself!

(This ar­ti­cle is by Nick Soapdish, post­ed with per­mis­sion. You can find Nick on Twitter and his web­site.)

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If I did­n’t have a fam­i­ly to feed I’d spend all my mon­ey on video games and ani­me fig­ures. Satirist.

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