Source Links — CBC article:‑1.3721151 Terrill v Gawker:
I’ve Got Next: Put Your Quarter Up!
An idea I’ve seen perpetuated over and over by the media is that gaming is not diverse enough. They make false claims that gaming is a Cis Het White Male™®© dominated hobby, contrary to the ubiquity of Twitch channels and […]
The Current Virtual Reality Push is Half-Baked
Virtual Reality is touted to be the next big new thing. Except it really isn’t, but that is for a different article. This time it’s different! Right? We have more processing power attached to the headsets folks are now strapping […]
Ghostbusters and Guilt-vertising: Or How The “Right” Product Can Make You A Better Person
(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of the staff and/or any contributors to this site.) Over nine different articles plus various tweets from “celebrity” personalities. This is what dropped […]
In Defense of Hard Games
There has been a growing debate the past few years regarding the high difficulty of certain games, and how they represent a barrier of entry to newcomers (read new consumers) to a product. Granted, this argument is not necessarily new, but […]
Console Fanboys: What Makes ’em Tick? A Layperson’s Analysis
Darrell gives his thoughts and view on console fanboys, and what makes them tick.
SuperNerdLand Reacts to Fullscreen/Fine Bros Fuckary
Fine Bros and Fullscreen are starting to exert control over the “React” format of videos. And that is just some bullshit.
Translating Tumblr — The Lifting Fandom
Once upon a time there was a young man named David Karp who had a dream to build a site for artists to share their work among other artists. Nowadays it’s a confusing labyrinth of made up genders and offended […]
On #GamerGate & Social Justice
EvilBob gives his thoughts on Gaming & Social Justice.