Ubisoft to Resolve Line Issues In the Division

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Tom Clancy’s The Division re­ceived to some ridicule on its re­lease for cre­at­ing a “line sim­u­la­tor.” Due to no clip­ping be­ing al­lowed be­tween oth­er play­er char­ac­ters, play­ers found them­selves need­ing to queue in lines to talk to NPCs for game pro­gres­sion. This has caused em­bar­rass­ment for Ubisoft and prob­lems for play­ers hav­ing to wait to progress quests. Thankfully Ubisoft has vowed to re­solve all line is­sues in an up­com­ing patch.

Below is a state­ment re­leased from Ubisoft:

We at Ubisoft are very proud of what we have cre­at­ed and thanks to all the gamers out there for mak­ing The Division one of the biggest gam­ing launch­es of all time. However we do re­al­ize that there are some is­sues that are cur­rent­ly harm­ing users’ experiences.M

ost gamers have been pa­tient­ly wait­ing in their vir­tu­al lines, how­ev­er there has been some peo­ple up­set with hav­ing to do this and have at­tempt­ed to cut the line. This com­plete­ly ru­ins the lin­ing up ex­pe­ri­ence which is so vi­tal to en­joy­ing The Division. To pre­serve the sanc­ti­ty of the line we are are cur­rent­ly tri­al­ing two solutions.

Our first so­lu­tion to elim­i­nate cut­ting is to im­ple­ment a tick­et­ing sys­tem. We will be plac­ing a ma­chine in the same room as the NPC and press­ing it will give you a num­ber. Once you have this num­ber you may wait in the vir­tu­al wait­ing room with oth­er play­ers. From there you must lis­ten for your num­ber to be called out. To aid users a num­ber will also be dis­played on a mon­i­tor in the wait­ing room. Please be aware that if you num­ber is called and you do not re­spond in 20 sec­onds your tick­et will be for­feit and a new one will be re­quired. When your num­ber is called out you are able to pro­ceed to the NPC. The NPC will only com­mu­ni­cate to play­ers who pro­vide the right tick­et number.


Ticketing System Concept Art

Our sec­ond ex­cel­lent so­lu­tion is the im­ple­men­ta­tion of bar­ri­ers to pre­vent cut­ting. Players will get to line up in a line di­vid­ed by con­nect­ing posts that are only one pay­er wide, pre­vent­ing oth­ers from by­pass­ing them. Due to tech­no­log­i­cal ad­vances we also erect­ed in­vis­i­ble walls for the bar­ri­er so play­ers can’t crouch un­der them or jump over them mak­ing them cut proof. Players will be able to pro­ceed in an or­der­ly fash­ion slow­ly through the line un­til all play­ers in front of them have been served. This so­lu­tion also helps us pre­vent long lines lead­ing out­side the room by ef­fi­cient­ly cor­ralling play­ers in a maze like structure.


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Barrier Post Concept Art

We are leav­ing it up to the play­ers to de­cide which queu­ing sys­tem they would like in game. We will be set­ting up vir­tu­al bal­lot box­es where play­ers can vote. Please be aware play­ers will have to line up one at a time to cast their vote.

We hope play­ers are ex­cit­ed for these up­com­ing im­prove­ments to their line ex­pe­ri­ence. Ubisoft promis­es to keep bring­ing more in­no­v­a­tive fea­tures to the Division. Look for­ward to such ex­cit­ing fea­tures such as NPC tak­ing a cig­a­rette break, open­ing and clos­ing hours, NPC send­ing you to an­oth­er queue be­cause you’re in the wrong one and NPC talk­ing to an­oth­er NPC while you’re wait­ing to be served.

The Division is avail­able now for PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One.


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If I did­n’t have a fam­i­ly to feed I’d spend all my mon­ey on video games and ani­me fig­ures. Satirist.

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