
ia93KzE - Imgur

Let me start off by say­ing the Communism scene is flood­ed with males and it’s pre­dom­i­nant­ly male fo­cused. Why, might you ask? Before you flood my Twitter feed with a del­uge of hate crimes, let me ex­plain. You see faces of posers like Stalin and Mao. While one is a high­ly revered col­ored per­son Person of Color, he is still af­flict­ed with a penis. 

When was the last time you heard about strong peo­ple like Yuri Kochiyama, a love­ly Woman of Color who once said, “Communism is pret­ty cool, man”? However, Google’s hon­or­ing of this hero was met with back­lash, we will get to that later. 

You see pe­nis every­where you go in Communism. Mostly, you see white pe­nis. I’ve be­gun to call this “White Communism” as a way to de­scribe the phe­nom­e­non. Have you ever won­dered why Communism got a bad name? Bear with me when I say it was the short­com­ings of men. The rea­son I as­sert this is is be­cause posers like the afore­men­tioned Stalin did it wrong. Along with all the oth­er men who “paved” the way for Communism and “birthed” it. It should not be done with blood, which is the nor­mal male re­sponse. In re­al­i­ty, it was women who birthed com­mu­nism. It’s a hard pill to swal­low, boys, I know. Believe me when I say, his­to­ry has been all wrong. But what else could you pos­si­bly ex­pect when con­ser­v­a­tive, bil­lion­aire, white men have writ­ten our his­to­ry books since the dawn of time? 

Artist ren­di­tion of Anna Looski

It was a young black, open­ly gen­der­sex­u­al woman, Anna Looski (Editor’s Note: This is a to­tal­ly le­git source, srsly guise… guise?), who sin­gle hand­ed­ly birthed com­mu­nism her­self. Where else did you think the red (blood) on the flag came from? It’s her blood that dis­charged as she metaphor­i­cal­ly birthed what would change the world for­ev­er. The ham­mer was her fist as she brought it down on the heads of the bour­geois, and the sick­le is her reap­ing the heads of they who op­pressed her. It wasn’t un­til she brought her thoughts to­geth­er in book form to her sec­ond cousin, Karl Marx, that she would meet her end. Thus, af­ter suc­cess­ful­ly mak­ing her death look like a sui­cide, he pub­lished The Communist Manifesto along with his col­league and note­able ho­mo­phobe Friedrich Engels. 

Why would I tell you about this piece of his­to­ry? Because it is very im­por­tant to what I’m go­ing to tell you. The whites and males can­not hold us back. We will be un­stop­pable. However, to be­come un­stop­pable, we must first break way from those who are pre­tenders and posers. I call for di­ver­si­ty and free thought. We have to leave Communism, in the white male sense, be­hind if they can’t hop over the line to the right side of his­to­ry and drop their egos. I call for all re­li­gious mi­nori­ties, all racial mi­norites, women of all sex­u­alites, gen­der iden­ti­ties, and hair col­ors to join me in this cru­sade to re­claim the good name of Communism. I would go as far to say that these stub­born, nar­row mind­ed men are even the bour­geois in dis­guise. It wouldn’t sur­prise me in the least.

Now we will go back to Yuri, who I men­tioned ear­li­er in the be­gin­ning of our jour­ney here. Now who were those lash­ing out at this woman? Who else would it be oth­er than those who tried to ruin oth­er di­ver­si­ty move­ments such as Atheism+? None oth­er than those same cap­i­tal­ist pigs who ran women out of their homes for the bet­ter part of 2014 and last year in America over wish­ing for di­ver­si­ty in video games. A place you pur­port­ed­ly can be “free” to be a woman and speak about di­ver­si­ty sup­pos­ed­ly. Contain your laugh­ter, please. 

I call upon all women, all col­oreds peo­ple of col­or, all LGBTODPANB mem­bers to join me to rise up against some­thing much worse than the bour­geois. That force is white mas­culin­i­ty. It looms over us the same way, if not worse, our pompous over­lords do. 

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The old­est 12 year old. Also buy my mix­tape at

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