Translating Tumblr: The Bog of Pro-Ana

In the latest installment of Translating Tumblr, Cate delves into the disturbing world of Pro-Ana (Pro Anorexia) 

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Are you ready, read­er? This is one of the more dis­gust­ing dens on Tumblr. Let’s open the gates.



We can still turn back now, it’s not too late…Oh god, you are still here. Let’s just get this over with. This here is what’s called the pro-anorexics. They glo­ri­fy eat­ing dis­or­ders and strive to be skin­ny. Who knows how many of them are ac­tu­al peo­ple with eat­ing dis­or­ders who need help, like now, or how many are just edgelords who eat cheese burg­ers when they think nobody’s look­ing and hiss at small amounts of food in front of peo­ple. To put it more suc­cinct­ly, fak­ers. I have a his­to­ry with peo­ple who fake eat­ing dis­or­ders and let me tell you, there’s go­ing to be a lot of cuss words here. Mental dis­or­ders are com­mon thing on Tumblr, whether they be faked or ac­tu­al peo­ple suf­fer­ing from them. So strap in, and let’s get this show on the road. *Cracks knuck­les*


I’m not pro­mot­ing it, but hey I want to be a fuckin’ anorex­ic and de­stroy my body while I also look for oth­ers to die with and re­blog pho­tos of bony girls.”

Look at the tags they use. Using these, it’s hard to be­lieve they’re not ro­man­ti­ciz­ing and pro­mot­ing eat­ing disorders.

These must be the same bafoons that ac­tu­al­ly think anorex­ia is not se­ri­ous, id­iots who go on TV or ra­dio, and act as though it’s some trendy diet. I mean look at them!

Do you hear that? It’s com­ing from the bog. The call of strength. Well, it’s not re­al­ly strength, but they think it is. Mental dis­or­ders, es­pe­cial­ly eat­ing ones, have noth­ing to do with strength. They have to do with the fact that your men­tal state has de­te­ri­o­rat­ed so much that you’ve be­gun to dras­ti­cal­ly and dan­ger­ous­ly change your eat­ing habits. Let’s keep go­ing, take my hand, this is go­ing to only get sicker.

They have blogs as “jour­nals” for their weight loss. It’s just as crazy as it sounds. I have a hard time just look­ing at them. Just don’t look them di­rect­ly in the eye.


The worst part is that they claim to not pro­mote it, but they post things that pro­mote starv­ing them­selves, and push oth­ers to do the same. They only do it to avoid Tumblr Staff, the labyrinth clean­ers, tak­ing down their blogs. Although Tumblr Staff is too busy think­ing up ways to make the lay­out worse to even no­tice them, so they should be fine.

I re­al­ly wish you could see the names of these blogs, they’re pret­ty bad. It’s hard not to imag­ine they’re glo­ri­fy­ing this shit, and it makes me sick to my stom­ach. Luckily, most of Tumblr ac­tu­al­ly ab­hors these peo­ple. So at least we can all agree with each oth­er there.

They want friends to die with, let me say this again. THEY WANT SOMEONE TO DIE WITH.

A lot of them are just trendy teens, which piss­es me off even more. They think it’s a fuck­ing diet, so they start up a whole cul­ture around killing your­self via star­va­tion. Maybe so­ci­ety failed them, or maybe they’re seek­ing at­ten­tion — we’ll nev­er know. As for the ones with le­git­i­mate dis­or­ders, I feel for them. They’re sur­round­ed by id­iots who made them think it’s ac­cept­able to harm your­self this way, and now the pro-ana crowd makes it hard­er to get the help they need.


And look at this. Ana tips? Really? Keep walk­ing, we’re al­most out of here. Don’t talk to them, there’s no use.


We have to push through these last few, and we’re out of the bog! Over these rocks, come on! Escape is near!


*Drags you to­wards the exit*

I’m sor­ry I’ve showed you this, but we had to go through this part some­time. I thought we may as well rip the band-aid off quick­ly and get it over with. Looks like we are past the bog now, and back into the labyrinth. Oh God, thank you, fi­nal­ly. Let’s go sit over there by those troll blogs. They’re harm­less, don’t worry.

I promise the next leg of the jour­ney won’t be so un­set­tling. Rest up, be­cause we’re go­ing to need it!

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.
The old­est 12 year old. Also buy my mix­tape at

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