Translating Tumblr — Fatspo (Fat Activism)

Journey with Cate once more into the labyrinth of Tumblr to take a look at the Fatspo, or Fat Acvtivism, community

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Here we go again. Onto the next leg of our jour­ney. Get up, dust your­self off, and join me on­wards ho! Even though I’ve been some­what dread­ing this part, we’re go­ing to have to go through the Hall of Fat Activism.


This is the ex­act op­po­site of the Thinspo/pro-ana fan­dom. I can’t think of which is more un­healthy or self de­struc­tive. I have no prob­lem with peo­ple who are chub­by. There are many dif­fer­ing body types. If you know you’re above your BMI and don’t force peo­ple to just ac­cept un­healthy lifestyles, then I have no prob­lems. Anorexia and BED are equal­ly dangerous.


I’m sure there are peo­ple who are a part of this fan­dom who just don’t want to be bul­lied, and I do not sup­port bul­ly­ing some­one over this. Being big doesn’t mean you have to stop be­ing treat­ed like a hu­man. But if you’re go­ing to act the way the peo­ple in this Hall of Fatso do, then do me a fa­vor and leave me alone.





Look at this. It’s a blog for peo­ple to en­joy the naked hu­man form. But don’t ac­tu­al­ly en­joy the naked hu­man form; they’ll be up­set! I’d like to men­tion I have a porn blog some­where in this labyrinth and I find stuff like this ab­solute­ly stu­pid be­cause I’m ap­par­ent­ly misog­y­nis­tic and dis­re­spect­ful for en­joy­ing our nat­ur­al, naked state. I don’t think this per­son un­der­stands sex­u­al­i­ty, or the hu­man brain in gen­er­al. At least the dude up top is kind of cute.


Let’s con­tin­ue:



OMG, Look away.






Fuck. I mean, hate does sucks, but also, uh… lose weight.



Oh OK, they were al­ways hid­den through­out his­to­ry. And it can’t be be­cause it’s un­healthy and peo­ple typ­i­cal­ly don’t care for larg­er, un­healthy bodies.




No! Just no. Sure, don’t be an ass­hat to some­one be­cause they’re fat. Then again, what do you say to all the stud­ies that say it is un­healthy?

That it hurts your feelings!? 

That it is Fatphobia!?



If you have Type 1 Diabetes it’s not your fault. Type 2 Diabetes is your fault. Eat bet­ter and take your damn insulin.



But at least not every­one wan­der­ing this Hall is bat­shit crazy.



Which was in re­ply to this:



I don’t agree with every­thing said in the third pho­to, but there is a point made that hits the nail on the head. Sure, McDonald’s is cheap and eas­i­ly ac­ces­si­ble, but it doesn’t have to be your only op­tion.



Um… only if you plan on ex­er­cis­ing so much that your mus­cle takes up where your fat used to be. That’s not fat, that’s fit. That’s also a lot of mus­cle. More pow­er to you then, if that’s what you mean!



I thought we could leave the Hall on a some­what fun­ny note. Moral of the sto­ry is that Tumblr ab­solute­ly loves and ro­man­ti­cizes un­healthy be­hav­ior. They thrive off of it, and it’s sick­en­ing at times. I need to rest, let’s go to that Labyrinth gas sta­tion over there and get some Combos. Just don’t use the bathroom.



Fuck yeah!

(04/19/2016 – Post has been edited by with minor grammar, and spelling changes.)
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