We talked about SuperWhoLock before but, of course, they’re all their own separate shows. I didn’t want to take you down this path (or any of these show’s paths for that matter) due to the rotting corpse everyone is ignoring […]
Translating Tumblr: The Day of the Trumpquake
We just have to take a look around after Donald Trump won the presidential election this past November 8th. No matter how you feel about the guy, if you think he’s an idiot or you love him, the salt that […]
Translating Tumblr: Teacher Crush Fandom
*Pops a Combo in my mouth as we leave the gas station* Remember that time in school when you had a crush on that one teacher? You thought he or she was really cute? I did. I had this redheaded […]
Translating Tumblr: Thanksgiving
It’s time for that weird holiday episode where everything that happens here is unrelated to — and outside of — the plot of our regular Tumblr Adventures™ and will never be mentioned again. Like it never happened! Kind of like most folks wish their […]

Let me start off by saying the Communism scene is flooded with males and it’s predominantly male focused. Why, might you ask? Before you flood my Twitter feed with a deluge of hate crimes, let me explain. You see faces […]
Ubisoft to Resolve Line Issues In the Division

Tom Clancy’s The Division received to some ridicule on its release for creating a “line simulator.” Due to no clipping being allowed between other player characters, players found themselves needing to queue in lines to talk to NPCs for game progression. […]
Trans Eye for the Gamer Guy: Legend of Zelda
Jamie, inspired by the brave Sandy Beaches, gives her totally not biased view of the clasic Legend of Zelda
Tekken’s King is a Furry and This Is Not Acceptable
Why Tekken’s King being a furry should be grounds for removal from the game.
Grave Standing: The Fashionable Moral Outrage for 2016

Social justice advocates rejoice for I am pleased to announce that there is a brand new obscure macroagression we can now be outraged about and it’s called “Grave Standing!” The definition of Grave Standing is expressing condolences to the recently […]